Welcome to Pathways, a small group guide for growing as disciples of Jesus Christ. Pathways is designed to help individuals in the context of small groups become more dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is about deepening your relationship with Jesus through spiritual disciplines. Discipleship is a way of being and relating not only to the divine, but to one another. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is about being changed by God’s love into the person God has called you to be. It involves immersing ourselves in God’s Word, communicating with God through prayer, and serving our fellow human beings.
We suggest you do the modules in this order: Prayer, Bible Study, then Service. These modules each build upon each other so you use things you learn in one in the next one.
Click here to access the six sessions on Prayer:
Why We Pray
Impediments to Prayer
Spiritual Types
Petition & Intercession
Praying the Psalms
Contemplative Prayer
Click here to access the seven sessions on Bible Study:
Introduction to Bible Study
Historical Approach
Literary Approach
Theological Approach
Formational Study
Directing Imagination
Click here to access the three sessions on Service:
Discerning Your Call
Being Christ in the World
Your Calling