Wednesdays Starting Sept. 14, 2016
12:30 pm (in room 202) & 6:30 pm (in the FDC Hall)
Reclaiming Revelation is a six-session video-based series that reclaims the prophetic voice of both warning and promise Revelation was originally intended to convey.
Join Pastor Rebecca Craig, the facilitator and producer of the series, as you go on a journey through God’s vision of our world—a vision of the past, the present, and the future.
Can't Attend All the Sessions? NO PROBLEM!
Videos from each session will be posted following each Wednesday night. Passwords will be given to attendees to access the videos.
Modern end-times enthusiasts are constantly warning that the end of the world is near. They point to events in American politics, the Middle East, the EU, Russia, and other various countries to insist that “the rapture” is near, Armageddon is looming, and claim events are unfolding exactly as Revelation has foretold.
Through a six-session video series and accompanying in-depth study guide, Reclaiming Revelation seeks to challenge modern end-times understandings and reclaim Revelation’s prophetic voice of both warning and promise—a visionary work of faith that calls the people of the earth to repentance, and offers a view of what community that is in relationship with God looks like. Rooted heavily in the promises of the Old Testament brought to fruition by Christ, Revelation takes us on a journey that helps both expose the pitfalls and dangers of compromising with the forces of evil and Empire, while simultaneously offering us hope that God intends to dwell with his people and “wipe every tear.”
Read and learn more at