Educational Ministries
Immanuel has a variety of educational opportunities for adults, youth and children. Our primary opportunities are during Wednesday night WOW! (What's on Wednesday) for youth and adults, though there are many options throughout the week.
Sisters in Spirit: Third Tuesday of the month, 7 pm
Deborah Circle: Second Monday of the month, 3 pm
Pathways Small Group Discipleship: Click for more information
​At their baptism the parents spoke for them. At their confirmation (Affirmation of Baptism), Eighth grader students are asked, “do you believe? ”Confirmation is a teaching program to help middle school students to answer, “Yes, I believe.”
Confirmation for 6th-8th graders happens one Sunday afternoon a month and at quarterly retreats.
Fall Sunday School
Our educational ministry to our children from 2 years old through High School is offered as a part of our 9:30 Worship Service. Families come and worship together, and then the young people go to classes at about 10:05 and finish about 10:45. Parents can enjoy a few minutes of our coffee fellowship. Between worship and picking up their children. Using age appropriate materials, students are challenged and engaged in the Bible and growing as disciples.
Children will gather in FDC and teachers will escort them to the classrooms. Parents may pick up their children in the FDC Grand Hall after worship.
Grades Pre-K - 5th grade all meet together in room 201 above the FDC
Communion Readiness
When Parents believe their children are ready to begin participating in Holy Communion, we invite them to a class to explore the purpose and meaning of this sacred meal. The class is for student and parents, and is led by one of our pastors. The class is offered twice a year or more often as there is need. Contact Pastor Tom if you have questions or would like to participate.
Summer Vacation Bible School